Our Communities

Commitment towards local communities


Prysmian Group's responsibility towards local communities refers both to Prysmian employees and to people living in proximity to Prysmian plants.

Prysmian recognizes the rights of indigenous people as they are detailed in the ILO Convention No. 169, including the right of local communities to exercise control over their own institutions, ways of life and economic development and to maintain and develop their identities, languages and religions within the framework of the States in which they live.

Prysmian respects the local communities' identities, their right to live in good conditions and the quality of their local environment. In planning or implementing environmental and resource-use strategies, Prysmian ensures that its business operations do not contribute to any human rights violation, any damage to the environment or any reduction of access to natural resources.

Furthermore, Prysmian contributes to the economic development of the community ensuring a fair, equal and respectful treatment and exerting a positive influence on the local area.

Prysmian supports the dialogue with community's representatives and is committed to promoting engagement activities with local stakeholders, contributing to existing programs or planning and implementing social investment programs in cooperation with governments and civil society actors.