2012 ANNUAL REPORT - page 48

Consolidated Financial Statements >
Directors’ Report
| 2012 annual report prysmian group
In addition to 400 meetings and the roadshows held in major financial centres, the Group
also organised several visits during 2012 for investors and financial analysts to its production
facilities in Europe, the USA and Asia.
Creating value for shareholders, and other stakeholders,
is a key priority for Prysmian as part of its commitment to
accuracy, clarity and transparency in the communication of
business strategy, objectives and results.
The Group’s actions and procedures aim to provide the market
with credible information, thus boosting market confidence
and encouraging a long-term investment approach. The Group
seeks to avoid unequal access to information and to ensure
effective compliance with the principle that all investors
and potential investors have the right to receive the same
information in order to make informed investment decisions.
In particular, when it publishes its quarterly data, the Group
organises conference calls with institutional investors
and financial analysts and also invites industry press
representatives to take part. In addition, the Group promptly
informs its shareholders and potential investors of any
action or decision that could have a material impact on their
Contact with the financial market was particularly intense in
2012, involving more than 400 one-to-one or group meetings
at the Company’s offices, roadshows in the major financial
centres of Europe, North America and Asia, as well as
participation at conferences organised by major international
brokers. The Group also organised several visits during the
year for institutional investors and financial analysts to see
its production facilities in Europe, the USA and Asia, in order
to give them a more in-depth knowledge of its products and
production processes.
Coverage of the Prysmian stock remained very high and
geographically diversified, even though the equity research
sector experienced a major consolidation during the year
both in Italy and worldwide. There are now 25 independent
analysts who regularly cover the Prysmian stock (28 at the end
of 2011): Banca Akros, Banca Aletti, Banca IMI, Banca Profilo,
Barclays Capital, Berenberg, BofA Merrill Lynch, Centrobanca,
Cheuvreux, Citi, Deutsche Bank, Equita, Espirito Santo, Exane
BNP Paribas, Fidentiis, Goldman Sachs, Hammer Partners,
HSBC, Intermonte, JP Morgan, Kepler, Mediobanca, Morgan
Stanley, Natixis and UBS.
The Investor Relations office has also maintained regular
contact with institutional investors through the new website
, with its completely new graphics
and content, which contains audio/video recordings of
conference calls and presentations to the financial community,
corporate documents, press releases and all other information
concerning the Group, in Italian and English. The Investor
Relations section also includes the financial calendar,
documents relating to Shareholders’ Meetings, the Code of
Ethics, the contact details of analysts who cover the stock as
well as specific sections about Corporate Governance, Risk
Factors and Share Performance.
Investor Relations contact details:
Investor Relations Office
+39 02 6449 1
Luca Caserta - Investor Relations Director
+39 02 6449 51400
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