SASB Report 2020

Human Capital dimension Prysmian Group is people-centric, supporting and recognising the abilities of those who work for the Group and for the community in which it operates. To achieve this, continuous multi-disciplinary and specialist training programmes have been developed for employees. Out of around 28,000 employees, about one third are stable shareholders. Together with management, these employees own more than 3% of the share capital, investing directly in the Company. The Group has built its history and successes on the abilities of its employees, who have been leading actors in the achievement of these results. Their ability to transmit values, experience and attachment to the firm to younger colleagues, generation after generation, has proved to be a fundamental driver in the creation of value for the Group for almost 140 years. The “human capital strategy”, launched in 2015 in support of our business strategy, and the growth of the business towards 2020 in terms of our sustainability objectives, guides the development of specific initiatives in this area, based on the following pillars: y constant improvement and development of the organisational model, consistent with our business strategies and priorities; y strategic planning of resources in order to ensure, over the medium term, the compatibility of our human capital with the needs of the company in terms of capacity and skills; y development of employer branding: increase knowledge and awareness of the Prysmian brand as an employer and develop the positioning of the brand in the international job market, partly via strategic recruitment initiatives; y creation of a strong talent pipeline that ensures the sustainability of the Group’s human resources strategy; y development of technical, professional and managerial skills via the training initiatives of the Prysmian Academy, which has now been active for eight years; y meritocracy as a basic element for the development of resources to ensure long-term sustainability; y development of employee engagement and sense of belonging via a structured approach to measuring the corporate climate, in order to align management and initiatives with the priorities perceived by employees and, in particular, via a broad share ownership programme designed tomake most of them shareholders. Prysmian’s commitment to considering the human dimension as a priority has also been further reinforced when addressing the dramatic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2020, investment in workplace health and safety rose significantly. Particular efforts were made in distributing health material and protective equipment, the use of rigorous prevention tests, as well as in redefining the procedures regulating workplace access and use and the extensive implementation of remote working. Again, regarding the people dimension, mention should be made of the improvement in the Diversity & Inclusion indicators (+2% compared to 2019) and of our employee satisfaction level (65% in 2020). Specifically, regarding Occupational Health and Safety, Prysmian Group has always been committed to ensuring that the integrity, health and welfare of workers are safeguarded in their workplaces. The Group has an HSE “Health, Safety, Environment and Energy” policy that commits to compliance with good management practices in order to ensure a safe workplace. To ensure a systematic and concrete approach to the safety issue, the Group adopts the OHSAS 18001/ ISO 45001 health and safety management system at a number of locations (71% of Prysmian plants 8 ), although all productive entities make reference to it. 8 Data only refer to production sites; however, in addition to these, other types of organisation within the Group are also certified, such as R&D, installation activities, kitting and distribution centres etc. 12 _ 13 Prysmian Group