10 Enabling the Digital and Energy transition DIGITALREVOLUTION: MISSING IN ACTION OR MAYBE JUST A HASHTAG By unifying every subsystem, digital technology has itself become a single structured organism living within society. W hat we are witnessing is a form of colonization of the human imagination by technology, which is effectively creating digital addiction. This, truth be told, is what is meant by the term “digital revolution”. Revolution? Today, despite the proclamations, despite the expansion and standarization of technology, it would be more accurate to use the term digital "revolts”. The “digital revolution” currently lives mainly in the pages of newspapers, in the presentations of software companies that always claim that businesses that have adopted this “revolutionary” spirit have gone from teetering on the brink of bankruptcy to being revenue-generating powerhouses; applications that are constantly sold and advertised as destined to change forever how we live in this world. In any event, this could appear as a revolt. There are a few fundamental It is transforming, manipulating and exploiting society, claiming to solve all mankind’s problems in order to lead the way to happiness through omnipresent networks, video surveillance, biotechnology, nanotechnology and the now-pervasive artificial intelligence. Beppe Carrella ICT Disruptive Consultant, partner BCLAB