23 INSIGHT | Prysmian Group Around the World PRYSMIAN GROUP EDITORIAL STAFF Tell us a funny anecdote from your professional life. The town in Nebraska where I started my TV career held the biggest Rodeo in the state. Therewas a two-week festival leadingup to the rodeo, and it was a huge event. My news station produced a special program that aired the first day of the festival, and everyone was assigned stories to learn about ranching and Western life. I was assigned to learn to rope or lasso cattle on Branding Day. I quickly learned two things. One, ranching is hard work, and cattle usually don’t want to do what the cowboys need them to do. If fact, they try to do the opposite. And two, when lots of cattle are gathered, it becomes a muddy, dirty mess. There was lots of laughing, but by the end of the day, I landed a rope around a calf’s neck. As you can imagine, the calf didn’t like it and took off- dragging me across the enclosure. Thankfully, I didn’t fall in the mud, and we had a great news story that people loved. I share this story because it made me realize that you usually only skim the surface when you learn about people and their work.