BendBright XS Whitepaper

5G IoT AI Excellence in optical infrastructure is crucial We’re living ina timeof technological transformation. As new technologies such as 5G, IoT, and Artificial Intelligence evolve, our optical networks must quickly adapt to meet new demands: for increased capacity, higher density and lower latency. Over the last 30 years, fibre optic cabling has evolved to support our newera of hyper-connectivity, linking continents, countries, cities, antennas and homes. And that isn’t set to change. In 2018, more than 550million kilometres of fibre were installed globally, compared with just 200million kilometres in 2010. This exponential market growth is expected to continue with the invention and adoption of new technologies, driving us into a new era of digital demand. Artificial intelligence is unlocking creative freedom in our workplaces. Augmented reality is amplifying our everyday world. Edge computing is connecting families, businesses, and allies across the globe – all with increasing speed. To support the evolution of these new technologies, it’s crucial that we increase the capacity of the optical network. As a result, network access layers will push fibre deeper towards the consumer to provide power to edge devices, while wireless and wireline networks will converge. New cabling systems with a high degree of fibre density will offer a faster, more reliable, more cost-effective solution. And further change will come from cables which can support a complete open fibre spectrum: from 1260 nm at the beginning of the Original O-band, up to 1625 and 1675 nm at the ends of the Long L-band and Ultralong U-band, respectively. These cables must be able to support data transmission and offer monitoring capabilities.