2017 Yearly Overview | Prysmian Group

41 WILLING TO DO EVEN MORE Prysmian is willing to persist in measuring energy, waste and water levels, as well as recycling rates, to see where improvements can be made in order to reach its goals for 2020. Having reduced CO2 emissions by 5% last year, we’ll go even further by optimising transportation and logistics. We’ll continue to review delivery routes and modes of transport to see if there are better, greener alternatives. And we’ll collaborate more with suppliers to explore where transportation distances can be reduced. It’s important for us to connect with suppliers to better understand the environmental and sustainability risks in the shared supply chain. The Group will continue to administer audits, assess suppliers against sustainability risk factors, and work together with them to mitigate or overcome these risks where possible. Our ultimate aim is to have everyone we work with — from suppliers to distributors to partners – conducting their business responsibly. So we’ve created business conduct and ethics codes (practices reinforcing environmental, moral and social commitment) that we expect those we do business with to adhere to. The Group will keep sharing these principles and practices with each supplier, while promoting them across all business channels to encourage others to adopt similar practices. Over 90% of Prysmian sites worldwide are certified to ISO 14001 and ISO 18001 standards, showing our strong commitment to environmental management. But we’re not stopping there. We have even more ambitious goals. 15% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions 4.5% reduction in direct or indirect energy consumption 40% of total waste to be recycled 40% of cable drums to be reused annually 60% of purchases of metals, raw materials and strategic non-raw materials to be evaluated against sustainability criteria (e.g. environmental performance) 100% of suppliers of mica mineral to be assessed for sustainability risk 20 audits to be conducted based on sustainability risks in the supply chain 12% of executive positions to be filled by women +80% of management positions to be filled through internal promotion 70% employee satisfaction rate based on engagement survey 2.2 reduction of employee injury frequency rate and severity rate to 45 30,000 working hours to be contributed towards charitable work 1 infrastructure project in a developing country to be funded via the donation of cables each year 100% of our cables to be measured for carbon footprint +80% of our production materials to be recyclable 38% of annual sales to come from ‘low carbon products’ PRYSMIAN SUSTAINABILITY ROAD MAP TO 2020