Better coverage with Voice over WiFi


VoWiFi allows users to make calls over a cellular network as well as any WiFi network, using one single phone number and interface. So which benefits does using WiFi for phone calls bring?

Just like 2G and 3G, LTE signals face certain RF limitations. Although Voice over LTE offers higher quality audio, several factors may seriously hinder cellular network coverage. Walls and other obstructions, for example, or the location of the building or room you’re in, may make it very difficult to establish and maintain a connection. Of course, it’s always possible to introduce femtocells or signal boosters, but that can be complex and costly.


VoWiFi provides an excellent, cost-effective solution to these challenges. Many buildings are already equipped with broadband and WiFi. Furthermore, most current smartphones are capable of supporting VoWiFi. As a user moves in or around the home or office, their calls can seamlessly shift between WiFi and LTE networks. Unlike VoIP calls, which require the user to open a dedicated app, VoWiFi calls are entirely ‘native’. Users can make calls using WiFi networks anywhere in the world, which makes low cost international roaming solution possible.


For operators, it is far easier to extend coverage indoors and in areas with poor reception by tapping into ubiquitous wireless networks than by investing in additional LTE capacity. There are also cost savings opportunities, as carrying smartphone calls over customers’ broadband networks frees up cellular capacity. VoWiFi is only available to consumers once the service provider has VoWiFi infrastructure in place but fortunately, customers seem willing to pay a premium.

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